A spell to protect your mental and emotional borders {poetry for the highly sensitive soul}
Where do I end
And where do you begin?
My emotions are hazy,
My mind, lazy
A perfect home
For a predator.
This body, this domain
Not yet my own,
So I ask again…
Where do you begin
And where do I end?
You’ve made
My mind and body
Your home;
Kicked out
Of my own house
And left,
All alone
I am all alone
Tending to an
Unwelcome guest,
A pest,
Truth be told.
I must find myself,
Become whole.
But first,
I must kick you out,
Remove all doubt,
I must seek my own borders,
The edges of my skin,
Discover where I begin
And where you end.
For this story is not over yet
I can no longer pretend,
That you are my friend
No longer pretend
I no longer pretend
That I don’t know
Where I begin
And where you end.
The truth is…
You are not my friend,
Not my kin.
I am closing this book
And choosing a new pen.
This is where you end
And where I begin.
I am starting over;
The tales
You trapped me in
I now unspin.
Because I know now
Not where I begin,
Not where, but how
This is how I win.
I win.
The end.
~ Payal
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