Are you keeping the right company?
‘We are kindred spirits, you and I… One day you will realize you don’t have to fight your nature. You can live your life freely…’
~ T.T. Escurel, The House of the Rose
There is a way to up-level your existence, to grow consciously in a supportive, organised and nourishing way.
It is by keeping the company of the wise. Choosing uplifting relationships with the intention to mature intellectually, emotionally and spiritually.
In yoga and Indian culture, this is called, ‘Satsangha.’
When people are brought together to engage in spiritual discourses for the purpose of learning and enlightenment, the collective energy nourishes and cleanses all who are present. The aim is to immerse ourselves in sattvic or pure vibrations, in order to cultivate our innate wisdom and move towards our self-truths.
The word ‘sat’ in sattvic and satsangha translates from Sanskrit as ‘truth’ and sangha means ‘company’ or ‘association.’ Yoga practice includes keeping wise counsel and associating with truth itself!
The ancients already knew that we reflect the company we keep! And it’s a popular notion nowadays that we become a composite of the lifestyle, income and emotional and mental health of the 5 closest people in our circle.
Association with the wise becomes so crucial to spiritual development because the example and advice of a noble-minded counselor is often the decisive factor that awakens and nurtures the unfolding of our own untapped spiritual potential.
~ Bhikkhu Bodhi
As Bruce Lee said, ‘pour water into the cup, you become the cup’ — the container. You are influenced by the places and people that you hold on to — whose energies are you then containing?
This is an important question to reflect and ponder on as an empath or highly sensitive person! It may just be the key to freeing yourself from connections that don’t support your path and purpose.
List down your current or ideal ‘Fellowship of the Wise’! These beings that will support the deepening of your self-knowledge and clarity. Move closer towards these energies and away from those that harm in any form.
How to know which relationships to move towards? Drop into your physical body at the mention of their names. How does it feel?
You don’t always have to learn from the harsh experiences of life, this inner wisdom and self-trust can strengthen with the company of the right people.
(Cultivate and practice bringing your energy of support and upliftment to their spaces too!)
Note that these influences can also be from the information you consume online — like, here, right now.
So be conscious of your energy; is it being expended through distraction and constant negativity or does it feel alive in your sense of intention and enquiry? (Poetry right there!)
Rise Up,
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