‘Stoke within, the sacred fire,
Fan the flame of your true desire,
Awaken the feminine soul,
The primal force!
Both wisdom-keeper and fighter;
The Sage and the Warrior.’
POETRY is the one thing that gives me power — and from the comments and feedback I receive, my words seem to have the quality to ‘give of’ that power. This reciprocation of energy where the reader is led to awaken their own sense of vitality and nourishment is fulfilling for me.
Weaving words, storytelling, art-making, sharing this ‘alchemy’ is what lights me up and empowers me. The source of my poetry is in fact inner turmoil, grief, anger, rage and conflict — all the messy emotions that numb, paralyse or have an overwhelming effect.
Poetry comes to my rescue.
My words are my Shakti. And the common theme is Warriorship.
My passion is to creatively express this warrior energy that lives inside of me. Art heals. I feel an immense sense of duty, or dharma to bring to light my lineage’s ancestral wisdom, and to return womxn, in particular, their authentic voice.
It is a strong purpose of mine to reclaim my rich heritage and support the healing required from narcissistic colonial tyranny, oppression and distortion, which lives on in our learned, internalised behaviours and relationship choices to this day.
There is a lot of grief work involved in this process as I continue to unlearn toxic patterns and decolonize my own intellectual and philosophical knowledge along with my mind and body. Again, poetry comes to my aid when the martian energy within me rises. It is a safe and empowering way to express the pitta-esque surges in my body.
‘Poetic justice’ takes on a new meaning when I write.
The magic of writing for me is of transformation. When you can change pain or fury into power by your own hand, your own means, now that is a gift I treasure.
And you have this gift too — of agency — of alchemy — of Shakti.
“That amazing power of being able to stand with total courage in the face of total power and not be afraid. That is stri shakti.”
~ Vandana Shiva
Name the ONE THING that MAKES YOU when other things try to BREAK YOU.
Trust this inner knowing and bring this gift to light and to use!
⫸ What is my special power? My own warrior weapon of self-transformation and healing?
⫸ What can I create over and over again that comes easily to me and nourishes me?
⫸ How shall I honour and use my gift in the coming days?
Share your answers with me! Comment below or share in the FACEBOOK COMMUNITY!
‘Parvati’ means ‘She of the Mountains’. This Goddess who is the consort of Lord Shiva, is a force of nature, the daughter of Himavat (the Himalayas) and also the Divine Mother. Undergoing immense tapasya (discipline), she sought yoga in order to be in union with Shiva. She represents commitment to practice, unbreakable willpower, and the power of transformation. Like a body with no spinal cord, you may have lost your grounding and become loose, floating in every direction. A person with no commitments is like a wave with no direction. It’s crucial to always have a direction in life and this direction should always be pointing inward. Recommit yourself to a regular asana and meditation practice and watch your life slowly rebuild its spinal cord. Walk the feminine spiritual path.
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Rise Up, Warrior.
P.S. Are you a sensitive, artistic womxn on your warrior’s path? Learn how to reclaim your inner voice and restore your personal power through my 6 week warrior training programme: SHE RISES.