to raise the soul with just the breath. to feel the quiver and rush. breaking open from root to crown. perhaps this is what a tree feels. to be seed, root, leaf, bud and flower, connected at earth and sky — standing silent and still, yet endless.
words by Sakura Rain @inkandstars via twitter.
In difficult times when a tragedy strikes we are forced out of our tightly held shells and ripped from our unconscious living patterns; our daily rhythms and systems.
When you’re faced with the unpredictablity of life, do you discover that they are no longer working?
There is great power in being cracked open with no where to hide from the tender, aching wound that has always been there, but masked through childhood and social conditioning. The void or the abyss we fear to gape into is ever-present and hidden by our unhealthy habits, addictions and learned tendency to numb and avoid our feelings.
In falling apart we are forced to feel.
As highly sensitive people and empaths, the pain can be so difficult to endure, but that’s where our magic lies — in our unique nature — our ability to use our special gifts, whether intuitive or creative, to transform and transmute our suffering into gold. This gold can be the medicine for others in the form of higher knowledge, intelligence and wisdom (buddhi) along with authentic connection and healing.
‘Only people who claim their own voice can hear the true song of another.’
~ Elizabeth Lesser
In our present reality where the world is now forced to slow down and turn inward, and where our own personal struggles meet, there is an opportunity for a deeper awakening and a new sense of grounding. An opportunity to descend into our individual caves and excavate the treasure — our self-truths. An opportunity to use one’s life to drive an impact for positive change.
But first there must be stillness. A rest. A meditation. A contemplation. A yoga practice. Feel your feelings. Use your imagination — the gift of the mind to create and fashion old energy into new forms. This power, or shakti derives from the moon, the divine feminine, our inner essence and vitality.
I am not saying to look for the gift in dark times or to bypass heaviness, brokenness or pain. I am saying that you are the gift.
Assume your true form. Your wholeness. This is the practice of Yoga.
Recognise and meet your courage with self-compassion and dare to live despite the struggle. (This requires using your agency to choose consciously how to accept the situation and show up. It is a moment by moment practice.) Live in the fullness of your being. Vulnerable strength can be your warrior’s way.
Questions to ask when you are being broken open:
Where is the pain living in my physical body?
What are its messages and what does it need right now?
What is this life change teaching me?
What ONE small thing can I do to honour the need and lesson?
How shall I love myself in the coming days?
Before writing down your answers to these questions, you can listen to my standing guided meditation to connect with yourself, mentally, emotionally, physically and spiritually. Linked below.)
A seed is planted in the dark but can grow into a mighty tree that blooms flowers and fruit. Remember who and what you are; your nature. The power in being sensitive and gifted. The pure offering that you are to the world.
‘How strange that the nature of life is change, yet the nature of human beings is to resist change. And how ironic that the difficult times we fear might ruin us are the very ones that can break us open and help us blossom into who we were meant to be.’
~ Elizabeth Lesser, ‘Broken Open: How Difficult Times Can Help Us Grow.’
Payal 🌸
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