6 More Self Care Tips for the Festive Season!

4 min readDec 23, 2019


[Photo: Katie Azi]

How are you holding up during the Christmas holidays?

When you’re highly sensitive, overwhelm is a default setting! During the Christmas period, the internal and external noise can very much amplify!

This is a time to really put your self care rituals firmly into place! What better time to practice than now?

Practice holding on to your centre; one foot in peace, one foot in festive chaos! (I kid) not chaos… not completely, but perhaps undesired consequences. Food for example. Toxic choices are heightened during this time! Your love temple, your body, may not thank you for your dietary decisions and you’ll soon be feeling the pang of regret!

Shops and streets are overcrowded, long queues create temper tantrums — everyone is rushing around preparing for parties, gatherings and traditions!

As a highly sensitive person and empath, you’re likely to get hit with everyone’s emotions and turmoils during this period (you may even be facing your own! What joy).

It may not all be happy days, some of you may feel the loss of loved ones, or be at war with toxic family members and other relationships — so don’t be hard on yourself when the ideal of the festive season does not match up to your reality. You’re not alone.

This may be a season of burnout for many of us sensitive, gifted people.

Return to self-compassion. Be kind to yourself. It is a necessity to put yourself first so that you can offer who you truly are to those whom you serve.

Presence is the real gift to Self and Other.

A while ago I wrote “6 Self Care Tips for the Holidays!

Here are 6 more:

1) Drink LOTS of Water Throughout the Day and Move Your Physical Body. This is important for the inevitable holiday feasting. It will keep you nourished and tell your body you don’t need that extra piece of chocolate, cookie, cake, dessert or alcoholic beverage! Toxicity is no joke for our highly sensitive bodies.

We are designed for moving! As we are naturally susceptible to absorbing other people’s energies and emotions and feeling our own so deeply, we must allow our physical body to expel dense, stagnant and negative energy through movement! Each morning, evening or night, commit to your favourite movement practice, whether this is yoga asana or simply dancing. Choose a doable timeframe! 10–15 mins etc. Train your mind and body to keep an active lifestyle.

2) Slow Down and Meditate. Keep up your self-connection and balance movement with stillness! Don’t meditate just for the mind. Use your breath to anchor into your whole body. Extra grounding is needed! Try my short ROOT CHAKRA Meditation, or even better, my Guided Chakra Meditation that goes through all the seven primary energy centres in the body.

Focus on consistency rather than length of meditation if you do your own. Just begin, one minute to three minutes, to five … you can do it!

3) Take a break. Listen to Music. Have a ready-to-play list of your favourite songs. When it all gets too much, take out some time for yourself. Let the music take over. Let it heal and renew you. It’s okay to put yourself above the struggle and stress, to return to the moment, to pause and let yourself surrender to a greater frequency. Chill out.

4) Begin and End Your Day Right. The day ahead is more manageable when we’ve taken the time to implement our morning and night rituals. Whatever happens in between these moments won’t wear you down as much. This is how you develop greater resilience to external forces.

My previous article may support you:

3 Morning Routine Tips

5) Start Your New Year Resolutions NOW. Waiting for January 1st to start implementing your ideal habits and new processes is a form of sabotage. The pressure to achieve our desired results and then feeling disappointed when our expectations are not fully met is a well known pattern during the start of the new year! It’s time to jump right into showing up how you wish to be NOW. Abandon what is no longer working. Move towards what you know is good for your soul.

6) Make Your Home Your Sanctuary. Think about the rooms and places you spend the most time. Do these spaces relax and nourish your spirit? Light a candle, burn incense, change the state at home to one that is inviting and nurturing. Get easy-to-do household tasks done quickly. Don’t let washing/cleaning pile up! Turn off technology even sooner than you’ve been shutting it all down and read something fun or inspirational before you sleep.

For more on your physical environment check out my original article

‘I believe that the greatest gift you can give your family and the world is a healthy you.’ ~ Joyce Meyer

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Written by Payal

Awakening Sensitive Visionaries & Cycle-Breakers to Rise towards Svadharma | Writer & Embodiment Guide. * ˚ ✦

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