Victory and Success Arrive through Mental and Emotional Purification!
Dear Warrior,
How are you feeling?
We are entering the eclipse portal.
In Vedic astrology these are potent times of mental and emotional excavation and deep spiritual work. I have shared a greater depth of this understanding in the article linked below — please have a read to learn how these moments in time support karmic transformation and healing.
Click to article:
The lunar eclipse begins on 19th November with the full moon in stable, creative and nourishing Taurus which will be in its highest dignity though in the grasp of Rahu. The portal closes with a solar eclipse on 3rd/4th December (depending on where you are).
In the nakshatra of Sun-ruled Kṛttikā ‘the cutter’ — the Moon is asking us to go deeper within, and severe the illusions of the ego — the things that aren’t in alignment with our true power, or that which takes us off our dharmic path — the attachments and shadows that obscure it.
Karma is housed in the mind and emotions, when the eclipse occurs, these inner bodies intensify.
I drew the the oracle card ‘Victory’ (see below) for added guidance. There is a clear theme of ‘Sun’ and the ability to succeed and achieve, but this comes as a result of strong intentions to do what is necessary and in placing effort and action into overcoming the obstacles.
Though we are still in an inward time with the Sun’s debilitation in Libra, after the 16th when he moves to Scorpio, our solar strength will begin to return, but as the eclipses signal, our attention is best placed inward. Attend to spiritual practices or creative rituals. (More in the Oracle Energy Reading at the end of this article.)
Like happiness, Success and Victory can be established within the heart, as a feeling or a knowing. Place effort and take action on what feels right and true. Make a shift on the inner level, face the mental and emotional realms. Inner triumph builds through consistent inner work.
⫸ What is my greatest challenge, or feeling of conflict and resistance right now? Pay attention to the mental stories and feelings that are surfacing.
⫸ What is my definition of success? Write down what ‘success and victory’ feel like in the physical body, in the mind, and the emotions.
⫸ What requires purification in mind, body and emotions? Name the action you will take to release the hold of these unserving patterns.
(Share your thoughts in our Facebook community or email me personally (contact address provided below— I’d love to hear how this guidance has supported you!).
I am here to support your warrior’s path,
To help you trust your inner wisdom
And awaken your powerful roar!
Rise Up,
VICTORY ~ Success, Achievement
Victory can often be housed in the solar plexus region of the body which is governed by the Manipura Chakra. I invite you to see a parallel here with Kṛttikā nakshatra, where the moon is full and illumined by the Sun (in exact opposition) during the partial lunar eclipse on the 19th. Kṛttikā is ruled by the element of fire — the deity Agni, whose nature derives from the Sun. The symbol of this constellation is a sharp razor-like blade, and whose power or shakti is to cut with the intention of burning away. This oracle arrives as a message of affirmation, that something has or will be (through your own action) cut away using your willpower — this action leads to a mental purification as the moon is in the mind. Victory is a result of mental and emotional processing, purging and transformation. Hold fast to your ambitions and goals that are in alignment with your soul’s purpose and your authentic self-expression. The shadows/conflicts/challenges that intensify during this eclipse portal are an opportunity to integrate and move closer to our wholeness — for union with the Supreme Self, the Paramātmā, is the true aim of yoga and our greatest achievement in this physical body.
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